Friday, January 18, 2013

Digital vs Physical; Which Is Better?

A lot of people are concerned about the rapidly growing atmosphere from the physical to the digital world. Physical objects are necessary and it is important here is how we use and manipulate these objects to interact world.
There have been developed several devices that make our lives easier with various media that can be read through the digital world (computers and machines). The concern here comes from the people who like the physical sensation of a product that they have purchased such as with the music. It has become more usual to download the songs from digital  suppliers such as iTunes, Amazon, etc. The people who want to maintain the natural products, as CDs, like to have it with the music as an artist has with paintings. A painting that you see pictures of on the Internet is not the same as having a real painting that you see in a museum. The same thing is for the CDs. The feeling of having a collection of CDs makes the buyers to remember where they bought the CD, what day, what kind of clothes they had on, etc. There is a personal connection to the product. Without the physical world you lose your connection to the product you have. Digital music on ITunes has no content other than sound it provides and after you have listened to the song you just gonna skip to the next one. On a CD cover you read everything from the producer to the artist who made the actual album. And also the pictures inside the book of the album is something digital music never will be able to provide for you.

The same is true with books. Kindle is one of the digital tools that are specially designed for reading books digitally from the Internet. It's just not the same as having a real book. The smell, the feeling of the pages, the weight and everything that comes with when you have a real book is something completely different.

The digital process also destroys many companies. If you end the physical world there will no longer be libraries, music shops and etc. The only thing that will survive will be cinemas, but again, the new 3D displays and TV digital boxes where you can rent movies at home makes it even harder for the cinemas to survive. Personally I still supporter of the '' old is gold'' way of thinking. I could never get used to reading books on my computer. I need a real book made of paper and plastic!

I would like to see your opinions on what you think about this topic.
Please comment at the bottom.

In cooperation with Deadendhiphop I have uploaded two videos where they discuss the topic as well.

Thank you

Brother Samir

Digital vs. Physical; Which Is Better? Pt. 1 | DEHH Conv

Digital vs. Physical; Which Is Better? Pt. 2 | DEHH Convo
Twitter: @deadendhiphop

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